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藤川 直也 ふじかわ なおや




Casati, F. and N. Fujikawa (2021). Against Gabriel: On the Non-Existence of the World, in Bernstein, S. and T. Goldschmit (eds.) 2021. Non-Being: New Essays on the Metaphysics of Nonexistence, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 69-81.

Deguchi, Y and N. Fujikawa (2021). Dialetheism in the Work of Nishida Kitaro, in Deguchi, Y., J. Garfield, G. Priest and R. Sharf (eds.) 2021. What Cant't Be Said: Paradox and Contradiction in East Asian Thought, Oxford University Press, pp. 123-142.

Fujikawa, N. (2020). Hallucination as Perceiving Nonexistent Objects: Noneist Direct Realism of Perception, in D. Hyde (ed.), Noneist Explorations II: The Sylvan Jungle - Volume 3, Synthese Library 432, Springer, pp. 391-420.

Priest, G., Fujikawa, N., Casati, F. and Berto, F. (2020). Modal Meinongianism and Object Theory: a Reply to Bueno and Zalta, Australasian Journal of Logic, 17:1, 1-21.

Fujikawa, N. (2018). `Exploring Routley's Nuclear Meinongianism and Beyond', Australasian Journal of Logic, 15:2, 41-63.

Casati, F. and Fujikawa, N. (2017). `Nothingness, Meinongianism and Inconsistent Mereology', Synthese, online first publication.

Fujikawa, N. (2016). `Coordination and Anaphora in Attitude Contexts', Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop of Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics (LENLS 13), pp. 27-40.

Casati, F. and Fujikawa, N. (2016). `Nonexistent Objects as Truth-Makers: Against Crane's Reductionism', Philosophia, 44: 2, 423-434.

Fujikawa, N. (2016). `Possible and Impossible Objects in Modal Meinongianism', 『人文学報』, No. 512-6, pp. 15-27.

Casati, F. and Fujikawa, N. (2015). `Better than Zilch?', Logic and Logical Philosophy. 24, 255-264.

Casati, F. and Fujikawa, N. (2015). `The Totality and Its Complement' in P. Arazim, M. Dančák (eds). The Logica Yearbook 2014, London: College Publications, pp. 49-60.

Fujikawa, N. (2014). `The Semantics of Intensional Transitive Verbs in Towards Non-Being', Contemporary and Applied Philosophy, 6, 1-15.

藤川直也 (2007).「エヴァンズのパラドクスと思考における固有名のはたらき----固有名の理解に関するエヴァンズ説の批判的検討----, 『科学哲学』, 40-2, 日本科学哲学会編, pp. 57-70.

藤川直也 (2007). 「固有名と記述----ウェットスタインの「解消」に抗して----,『哲学』, 58, 日本哲学会編, pp. 253-268.


グレアム・プリースト著、久木田水生・藤川直也訳 (2011). 『存在しないものに向かって----志向性の論理と形而上学』、勁草書房

キム・ステレルニー、ポール・グリフィス著、 太田紘史・大塚淳・田中泉吏・中尾央・西村正秀・藤川直也訳 (2009). 『セックス・アンド・デス----生物学の哲学への招待』、春秋社

