東京大学科学史・科学哲学研究室 東京大学科学史・科学哲学研究室
ホーム > 3,4年生の方へ:カリキュラム > 2011年度 > 科学史演習I


講義名 科学史演習I
年度 2011
区分 冬学期:通常講義
担当 橋本 毅彦

Course Title:     The History of Science and Technology in Japan

Course Objectives/Overview:
This course will lecture and discuss historical issues from the history of science, technology, and medicine, as well as social history of time and clock in pre-modern, and contemporary Japan.

Course Information      

Keywords:    history of science in Japan、history of technology in Japan、clock and punctuality

It will cover the following topics:the introduction of Western technology in late Edo and Meiji periods,the origin of punctuality in premodern and modern Japan,the competition between traditional and modern mdicine,Japanese physicists and the atomic bomb,posrwer economic and technological development and change of time consciousness,the environmental problems in contemporary Japan.

Teaching Methods:
Students will be assigned to read papers,write short essays,and make presentations. All lectures will be given in English,and students are encouraged to discuss and make presentation in English.

Method of Evaluation:    attendance and homework

Required Textbook:     Tessa Morris-Suzuki,Technological Transformation of Japan